

【研讨会】6月15日:万千(The Effect of Education Expansion on Intergenerational Mobility of Education: Evidence from China)

文章来源:本站原创 发表时间:2017-06-08 17:39:43点击次数:


主讲人:万千 博士生

题 目:The Effect of Education Expansion on Intergenerational Mobility of Education: Evidence from China

时 间:2017年6月15日(周四)晚上19:00

地 点:经济学院112会议室



论文摘要:This paper studies the effect of education expansion on intergenerational mobility of education measured by intergenerational transmission of education (ITE), exploiting a radical higher education reform in 1999—Higher Education Expansion (HEE). Measuring ITE with years of schooling, HEE significantly decreases ITE, meaning that HEE narrows the gap of years of schooling between the children from different family educational background and promotes the intergeneration mobility of education. However, when we take school quality into account and measure ITE with the score of college entrance examination (CEE), HEE insignificantly decreases ITE measured with score of CEE, indicating that HEE fails to reduce the gap of higher education quality between the children from different family educational background and the inequality of higher education still maintains in some way even after HEE. We also find that ITE measured with years of schooling has an inverted-U relationship with college admission rate and ITE measured with score of CEE seems not correlate with college admission rate, which directly demonstrates the theories of MMI and EMI in the field of sociology. We further investigate the internal mechanism of the effects and consider that the original of the inequality of higher education is the inequality of basic education. Finally, we investigate the heterogeneity in the effect of HEE on ITE by gender, type of Hukou and category of CEE.
