


文章来源:本站原创 发表时间:2017-03-10 16:08:15点击次数:

主讲人:Andrew Farlow牛津大学教授



题 目:Global economic tectonic shifts:implications for China

时 间:2017年3月20日(周一)下午14:30

地 点:经济学院103教室




In spite of the biggest financial-system rescue in history, the global economy seems far from secure. Shifts in underlying economic forces—some going back thirty or forty years—seem to be aggravating long-term recovery. What are these forces, and how are they likely to shape the future? Will global economic leaders cope? Given growing protectionist pressures elsewhere in the world economy, and China’s own slowing growth and rapid build-up of debt, how might China be affected, and what role might China play?

全球经济结构的转变:对中国的启示:尽管对于金融系统,世界各国已经做了历史上规模最大的补救,但全球经济仍然暗流涌动。 潜在的经济力量(有些可能会持续三十四年或四十年)似乎正在加剧长期复苏。 这些力量是什么,它们如何塑造未来? 全球经济领导人会应付吗? 鉴于世界经济中其他地方的保护主义压力增加,中国自身增长放缓和债务快速增长,中国如何受到影响,中国将发挥什么作用?

Andrew Farlow is a Senior Fellow of the Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford, and he teaches macroeconomics and banking at Oriel College, University of Oxford. He was educated at both Cambridge University, as an undergraduate in economics, and Oxford University, as a graduate in economics. He is author of Crash & Beyond: Causes & Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis, published by Oxford University Press in 2013 to much acclaim. He has also written about the role of financial indicators, especially credit ratings, in the financial crash, for Cambridge University Press. Farlow has provided advice to a wide variety of public and private sector organizations including: Credit Suisse First Boston; Goldman Sachs; Oxford Analytica; World Health Organization; UK Department for International Development; TB Alliance; Aeras Global TB Foundation; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Pharmaceutical R&D Policy Project, LSE; Office of Health Economics, London; Médecins Sans Frontières; the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization
