讲座题目:Forecasting Three-Pass Regression Filter Model with Time-varying Coeffcients: A Rolling Window Selection(时变系数的三重回归滤波模型预测:滚动窗口的选择)
摘要:In this paper, we introduce smooth time-varying coefficients to the three-pass regression filter (3PRF) forecasting method proposed by Kelly and Pruitt (2015). Following Inoue et al. (2017), we employ rolling window selection to estimate the parameters and to generate forecasts. The rolling window selection uses only the most recent observations, which resolves the trade-off between forecast bias and variance. We establish the optimal rate for selecting the most recent observations. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that, in general, the rolling window selection method for three-pass regression filter forecasting with time-varying coefficients produces relatively smaller forecasting mean square errors compared to the original three-pass regression filter forecasting method or the method that uses the full sample. An empirical application of our proposed method is considered to forecast the real GDP growth, which highlights the necessity of using our approach.
周前坤,南加州大学经济学博士,现任美国路易斯安那州立大学巴吞鲁日奥尔斯商学院终身副教授,研究主要集中在面板数据模型的估计、检验以及应用。目前已有30多篇论文发表于Journal of Econometrics、Journal of Business & Economic Statistics、Econometric Theory、Journal of Applied Econometrics等国际权威期刊杂志上,并担任计量经济前沿进展期刊(Advances in Econometrics)的联合主编。