

【学术讲座】12月8日 经济学院2023年数字经济系列讲座(二十三)

文章来源: 发表时间:2023-12-06 10:49:06点击次数:

讲座题目: Information aggregation through informal elections on slippery slopes


主讲嘉宾:马子真 单位:武汉大学


讲座时间:2023128日(周上午1000- 12:00


主办单位:游艇会线路检测中心  华中科技大学创新发展研究中心

摘要:A policymaker may have concerns about ``slippery slope'' when she evaluates a reform: For some unknown distribution of agents' preferences, the reform paves the way to future undesirable outcomes. We propose a simple model to investigate whether informal elections, including protests, polls, and non-binding voting, can aggregate dispersed information about the desirability of reform in the presence of such concerns. We find that in any equilibrium where the reform occurs with positive probability, the policymaker uses a non-monotonic rule: She reforms if and only if turnout in the informal election is neither too low nor too high. This non-monotonicity is obstructive: We identify conditions under which effective information aggregation is impossible.

嘉宾介绍:马子真,武汉大学经管学院特聘副研究员,博士毕业于罗彻斯特大学经济系。研究兴趣为博弈论于分析群体决策或群体行为的应用,研究成果发表于Journal of Economic Theory。曾担任EconometricaReview of Economic Studies匿名审稿人。

