讲座主题:How Does Temperature Affect Rural Income: Channels and Implication of Adaptation
摘要:This paper examines the impact of daily temperature variations on rural income per capita and evaluates the effectiveness of adaptation based on China's county-level socioeconomic statistics and household survey data. We find that high temperatures have significant negative effects on rural income per capita. Relative to the physically comfortable reference temperature between 10-15℃, an additional day with a daily average temperature above 30℃ reduces the rural income per capita by 0.12% in the year. Evidence from micro-data indicates that operational income of rural households is sensitive to high temperatures relative to other components of household income, such as wage income, which leads to rural labor reallocation across sectors. In addition, we find that high temperatures not only substantially lower the labor productivity of the agricultural sector but also impede the labor productivity of the non-agricultural sector, though the effect is relatively mild. We also find that the current adaptation pattern of rural households probably magnifies the threat of future climate change to China's agricultural sector.
主讲嘉宾介绍:李承政,暨南大学经济与社会研究院副教授;乡村振兴研究院副院长。主要研究领域为资源与环境经济学、农业与发展经济学,尤其关注气候变化的经济效应、农村土地及资源配置问题。研究成果发表于Journal of Environmental Management, China Economic Review, Economics Letters,Empirical Economics 等国际知名杂志。从事“三农问题”政策研究,部分政策研究成果获得省级批示或采纳。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、广东省自然科学基金青年项目和广东省软科学项目等。长期担任Journal of Agricultural Economics, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, China Economic Review, Economics Letters, Environmental and Development Economics,《中国人口·资源与环境》等学术期刊审稿人。