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Opera Solutions (Shanghai) Ltd. 2017 Campus Recruitment


2016年10月22日(周六) 晚上18:30– 20:30,宣讲会现场会进行40分钟的笔试。






1.Analytics Specialist (数据分析师)

2. Software Engineer (软件工程师)

Who We Are

Big Data science with extraordinary results. Opera Solutions helps people achieve extraordinary results by releasing the full potential of Signals that boost profitability and increase competitive advantage.

Founded in 2004 with 10 people and a notion that the world’s flow of computable information- just then starting to intensify — was going to be the oil of the 21st century, Opera Solutions is now a global leader in Big Data science and predictive analytics.

We are committed to using science and technology to turn the raw material of Big Data into higher productivity, healthier bottom lines, and superior competitive advantage. The Signal Hubs, Signal Products, and Scientific & Professional Services we offer to core industry sectors, including financial services, healthcare, and government, do just that. They drive real and measureable improvement for our customers because they focus on the business leverage points in which machine learning science can make the highest impact.

Superior science is at the core of everything we do. Among our600 employees in offices on three continents are approximately150 scientists who make Opera Solutions one of the world’s premiere centers of machine learning. Our performance in global machine learning contests, such as the Netflix Prize, the KDD Cup, and the Heritage Health Prize, attests to our scientific prowess.

Big Data represents an enormous opportunity, but many organizations do not have the technology or the science to access its power. Our Signal Hubs, Signal Products, and Enterprise Solutions fill this gap. Our Signal Products are typically Cloud-based and implemented in weeks or months. They require little change in IT and infrastructure, providing full solutions to companies at a fraction of the cost and time of building their own predictive analytics solutions. With Enterprise Solutions, we put our science, domain expertise, and technology at the disposal of a select number of large organizations to drive unprecedented top- and bottom-line growth.

We also build our solutions with Man + Machine in mind, using science to maximize the power of the machine and then bringing it to frontline workers in ways that let them apply their judgment and experience.

The opportunity is unprecedented. Opera Solutions’ unique blend of Man + Machine, science and business, and services and software helps organizations seize it.

Opera Solutions (奥浦诺)是一家全球领先的大数据分析公司,总部位于美国泽西城,自2004年成立以来,公司在过去的十年内一直保持着高速增长的良好势头。Opera Solutions现拥有600名员工(其中专业员工500余名,包括150位高学历的机器学习科学家),七个分支机构遍布在全球三大洲 -美国泽西城、波士顿、圣迭戈,英国伦敦,奥地利克夫拉赫,印度新德里,中国上海。Opera Solutions通过全球化的专业服务团队帮助企业从大数据流中获得巨大收益,业务覆盖全球各领先产业,涉及金融服务,零售,媒体,航空,电信,医疗,结构性投资,私募股权融资以及国有企业。

Job Opportunities

Position1:Analytics Specialist(数据分析师)

This is the entry-level position in Opera Solutions Shanghai. Analytics Specialists are responsible for discrete pieces of analysis that contribute towards solving a client’s business problem. Analytics Specialists break down a problem into hypotheses to be tested, structure the testing approaches, model and interpret the data; While working abroad, assist in developing client recommendations and work collaboratively with client team to implement changes. This position requires analytical ability, a flair for quantitative problem solving and strong interpersonal/communication skills.


We look for people who are/have:

- Students from top universities, with outstanding academic performance

- Strong problem solving ability, logical and structured thinking

- Solid analytics skills to solve business problems in a quantitative manner

- Excellent verbal and written English to work effectively in a multicultural& international environment

- Good communication and teamwork spirit

- Ability and desire to learn quickly

P Quantitative discipline, top rank, prize in mathematics modeling, demonstrated leadership or professional internship/oversea experience will be a plus.

P Familiarity with statistical/analytical tools such as R, MatLab, or SAS will be a plus.

Position 2:Software Engineer(软件工程师)

Software Engineers are responsible for development of enterprise analytics software supporting, mining and analyzing huge volumes of data. This position requires ability to work well within a team structure and to deliver on specific tasks, keenness to explore requirements and work proactively towards identifying gaps, and adherence to general work processes.


We look for people who are/have:

- Computer Science or related disciplines from Tier I engineering colleges

- Good Python, Java or C/C++ programming ability

- Good knowledge of SQL and Database

- Basic understanding of Linux/Unix commands and shells

- Experience building scalable and reusable components

- Experience with source code management tools

- Strong communication and coordinating abilities

For more information about our company, please visit our websitewww.operasolutions.com , and follow usfor 2017 campusrecruitment updateson SINAWeibo “OperaSolutions奥浦诺管理咨询 .

注:宣讲会现场会进行40分钟的笔试,希望有兴趣的同学到现场参加,非常欢迎您加入opera solutions这个大家庭。
