

背后的故事:经济学院6名国际学生获校级先进个人荣誉 The Story Behind:Six International Students Won HUST “Outstanding International Students”

文章来源: 发表时间:2019-05-16 21:16:08点击次数:





SONGYI CHOI:A South Korean Girl’s Way to Confidence and Independence

崔松伊(SONGYI CHOI),一个来自国际经济与贸易1502班、喜爱歌舞的韩国女孩,她长期担任韩国留学生会会长,并在2017-2018学年度获得“学习进步奖”。







SONGYI CHOI,a South Korean girl from International Economics and Trade Class 1502,is not only the president of South Korean International Student Union, but also the winner of HUST Academic Progress Award of the academic year 2017-2018.

SONGYIstill feels excited for winning HUST Academic Progress Award. Talking about the reasons why to study in China, she mentioned it was her interest in Chinese culture from high school that motivated her to learn Chinese, so that with support of parents,SONGYIhas studied in China for 5 years until now. With feeling good in Chinese high school,SONGYIdecided to continue her education in China. She chose HUST because it ranks Top 10 university in China. Additionally, there are not too many South Koreans in HUST, where she can push herself to immerse in Chinese culture, and avoid staying in comfort zone. Her high-standard requirements to herselfare ingredients offruits of success.SONGYI’s instruction language is Chinese,whichgains economic knowledge relevant to international affairs andimproves her Chinese level, effectively and interestingly.“Interest is the best teacher”always motivatesSONGYIto absorb more energy.

Being busy and fulfilling,SONGYIgenerally has classes according to timetable in the daytime and does homework in the evening, which constitutes her daily life. On the weekend, her schedule is also tight. On Saturday, she dances in KS dancing club as exercises; on Sunday, previews textbook for effective following learning. Five years flows as water, nervously, fully and happily.

As an international student,SONGYI’s fluent Chinese is hard-won. Reciting words to lay a foundation and communicating with Chinese students positively are her secrets to learn Chinese. Two years ago, a traffic accident happened toSONGYIwhen she riding bicycles in campus. At that time, two Chinese students helped her and became her close friends. They are always going to library for self study and having cultural exchanges together, which gives her fluent and natural spoken Chinese. Even later,SONGYIlearned some Chinese dialects.“My rival is not classmates sitting by me, but myself yesterday. Comparing with others only vex but not improve myself. Although many people are more outstanding than me, I love that myself the most, who devote perspiration insistently and progressively.”The greatest progress is everyday self exceeds yesterday self, which expressesSONGYI’s life attitude.

Looking back upon thepassedroad,“the best gift for my five years in China is that I have gained independence and confidence. At the very beginning, I only knew‘ni hao (hello)’and‘xie xie (thanks)’, but now I can quarrel in Chinese”,SONGYIsaid proudly and wittily, with a mixture of bitter for struggle and sweetness for success. Regarding goal on the next stage,SONGYIdecided to prepare for job hunting but not pursue further education, accounting on parents’financial burden. After graduation, she still hopes to come to China often.

Living in China alone for five years, from being diffident and timid to being confident and independent, and then to winningHUST Academic Progress Award, SONGYI’s potential and future can be expected.



MARIE FLEUR: Hungry for Knowledge, Persistent in Learning

邓婕(ADJOUA MARIE FLEUR AIMEE DATTE),来自科特迪瓦,国际经济与商务2017级本科生,2017-2018学年度“学业优秀奖”获得者。







ADJOUA MARIE FLEUR AIMEE DATTE,from Cote d'Ivoire, studies inInternational Economics and Trade Class 1701 and wonHUST Academic Excellence Award of the academic year 2017-2018.

Languagebarrier and cultural difference are two have-to difficulties for international students studying abroad. Although the learning modes inCote d'Ivoireand China share a lot in common,MARIE FLEURstill faced the same difficulties as other international students at the very beginning, especially in the aspect of language.

Previously on how she lived and studied in HUST,MARIE FLEURsaid profoundly,“Any life change requires a period of adaption, however it does not mean that we can merely witness time flying like a pool of stagnant water.”MARIE FLEURdevotes herself to every class. Lost in unknown pronunciations, she would take down pronouncing details and technical words; struggling in professional knowledge, she would make full use of spare time to swallow and comprehend knowledge furtherly for make-up; after class, she is always communicating with teachers and classmates to conquer confusion and difficulties. After one year,MARIE FLEURcan understand teachers’pronunciation and explanation without any problem. Leaping over linguistic hurdles paved a way for challenging theoretical knowledge in the future.

MARIE FLEURdrew a conclusion progressively on her own studying method amid continuous exploration.“Ten minutes of stage takes ten yearsof practice. Never think of making an effort at the last moment.”Her full preview for each course not only gives her new knowledge but also forms her own understanding. Alongside with preview,MARIE FLEURalso spares some time on reviewing, aiming at relieving examination stress and gaining new insights through reviewing. After class, she would also choose to do some extra homework, which is not required by teachers. Her diligence gains reward, and she only spends coffee time and chitchat on studying. It is not unexpected forMARIE FLEUR, who won“Outstanding Female Student”in middle school, to winHUST Academic Excellence Award. Her ocean is accumulated drop by drop.

Textbook cannot satisfyMARIE FLEUR’s thirst for knowledge, and she is always following economic hot issues, by readingThe Economistforcutting-edge and extensive knowledge. Her pleasure and favorite lies in harvesting new knowledge in field of economics, which pushes her to explore constantly and improve increasingly. In her spare time,MARIE FLEURis also addicted to Chinese traditional culture. In her eyes,“China is a beautiful country and her people work hard and love their career. Industriousness and persistence raise China up to great power.”MARIE FLEURis touched by Chinese favorable learning environment and long historic culture, and hope to find a suitable job for herself.

MARIE FLEURhas a very clear vision for future that she will keep hard working , obtain bachelor degree and then pursue further education for a master degree.HUST Academic Excellence AwardrecognizesMARIE FLEUR’s current achievement and in the future, she will brave the wind and the waves in her spring time.

(翻译 熊苒苒)


DULGUUN BOLORTSOGOO: Be A Bridge between China and Mongolia

到中国留学的种子很早就埋在了蒙古长大的林博文(DULGUUN BOLORTSOGOO)的心里。中国作为蒙古的邻国,其迅速发展的经济、底蕴深厚的传统文化、在世界上越来越大的影响力等等都勾起了林博文学习中文到中国留学的想法。同时,蒙古财政部副部长布娜(BULGANTUYA KHURELBAATAR)曾在游艇会线路检测中心就读,这也是促使了她选择到我校继续深造的原因之一。





The ideaof studying in China had lain inDULGUUN BOLORTSOGOO’s mind like seeds for a long time, who is a Mongolian girl. As a neighbor of Mongolia, China’s economy in rapid growth, traditional culture with a deep foundation, and international standing of important influence attractDULGUUN BOLORTSOGOOto pursue further education in China. Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Finance Department of Mongolia, BULGANTUYA KHURELBAATAR, ever studied in School of economics, HUST, which spurs her on to HUST.

Itwas not easy forDULGUUN BOLORTSOGOOto adapt the new life in Wuhan at first, due to unfamiliar environment, non-fluent and huge cultural difference. She even did not know frequently-used APP in China and other convenient tools, but this situation did not last for a long time. With help of teachers and students in School of Economics,DULGUUN BOLORTSOGOOfamiliarizes herself with Wuhan and catches up with normal peace of studying and living. Also in this process, the idea of becoming volunteers of orientation program of international students and holding position of student cadre came into her mind. She would like to deliver the spirit of being generous in giving help and help helpless new international students like her in the past.

DULGUUN BOLORTSOGOOwould spend three hours on self-study everyday and deal with students’affair at the same time, which inevitably give her a lot of pressure on time. When asked why still choose to participate students’affair in such a compact schedule, she answered,“Everyone only has 24 hours a day, and for me, this kind of arrangement is quite busy indeed, but I don’t think students’affair is wasting my time. Studying is of great importance, but not only reading textbooks. I can learn a lot from students’affair and volunteering jobs, which are not found on textbooks.”DULGUUN BOLORTSOGOOthinks as a young woman of the day, what she should do is to gain something from learning, impart her experience and knowledge to others, and help others through her won act.DULGUUN BOLORTSOGOOlikes helping others, which delights her and get her to know her flaw. Students’affair and volunteering jobs give her more chance to make good friends and keep closely with them, which is her greatest harvest.

Havingbeen staying in School of Economics for almost three years,DULGUUN BOLORTSOGOOestablished a deep friendship with classmates and teachers. Their kindness and hospitality helped her adapt to life in China, and she is full of gratitude. DULGUUN BOLORTSOGOOis very satisfied with a great deal of extra-curriculum activities held by School of Economics and also looks forward to more chances to learn.

DULGUUN BOLORTSOGOOknows that China’s economy is developing rapidly and plans to stay in China after graduation. She defines her future career as“bridge”. Based on knowing Chinese culture well, she is willing to use her professional knowledge to serve to to build a cultural and trade bridge between China and Mongolia.

(翻译 熊苒苒)


MUMAL MUSTAFA SOOMRO:Embrace the World with Love and Enthusiasm






在大大小小、精彩纷呈的志愿活动中,总能见到罗琳忙碌的身影,而她也凭借自己对志愿服务发自内心的热爱得到了优秀志愿者的称号。她曾跟随SICA组织参与“Teachers Support of International Students”项目一起去往武汉的一所小学教学,面对一个有40-45个学生的课堂,罗琳感到了这次志愿服务的富有挑战性。但她利用细心的准备以及耐心的教学,圆满地完成了这次志愿服务。直到现在回忆起那次教学,她仍认为这是自己印象最深并收获最多的一次经历。谈及自己投身志愿服务的原因时,她毫不犹豫地回答道:“志愿服务本身就是一个很有意思的经历,它让我有机会向自己热爱的方向奋斗。”







MUMAL MUSTAFA SOOMRO, from Pakistan and majored in World Economy, wonHUSTOutstanding Volunteerof the academic year 2017-2018, and ever worked in an international organization.

Economics: Pursuit and Love

Speaking of hermajor, as its name makes evident, it is a discipline that depicts economic condition and development globally and covers almost every direction of human economy, MUMAL SOOMRO said proudly. Her interest in this major comes from her previous degree of accounting and relevant major courses. After spotting her interest, MUMAL SOOMRO did not determine her research direction hastily, but collected and read related documents and literature. Through a deep understanding, she said,“Finally, I found my aspirational major and chose School of Economics, HUST.”

Today, there a mania for money in human society. When it comes to the role that money plays in people’s life, MUMAL SOOMRO thinks, actually before several centuries, economy pervaded every corner in our life, but unnoticed by most people. Now, economy dominates from international trade, currency exchange, and risk control to trivial matters.

Volunteer:Devotion and Enthusiasm

MUMAL SOOMROcan found in lots of wonderful volunteering activities, and her heartfelt love for volunteering work won her HUST Outstanding Volunteer. She ever participated program“Teachers Support of International Students”with SICA and taught in a middle school in Wuhan as a volunteer. It is challenging forMUMAL SOOMROa class of 45-50 students, but her careful preparation and patient teaching makes her complete volunteering service successfully. Until now,MUMAL SOOMROstill thinks that’s her most impressive and rewarding experience. Regarding her reason for dedicating herself to volunteering service, she answered without hesitation,“Volunteering serviceis a very interesting experience, which gives me chance to strive for my direction.”

MUMAL SOOMROthinks, every volunteer may bring a little bit changes to the whole society in every volunteering service, but she feels proud that constant effort brings success and pushes the society to a better way.

Impression: Curiosity and Exploration

“I neverfeel anything unconformable in China. I love Wuhan and everything in this country.”Both ofMUMAL SOOMRO’s parents ever studied in China. Their description of China in her childhood attracted her particularly, and communication with parents’Chinese friends unveiled the mystery of China for her, which gives her way to touch and know this country.

As for adapting new environment, she takes Wuhan’s changeable weather as an example. It may take us time to get used to new weather, but it is definitely not difficult to conquer.MUMAL SOOMROis always keeping curious and exploring to new cities and new countries, thanks to her love to travel. Therefore, her first reaction is exploration and adaption in a new environment, rather than compliant and avoidance. Her confidence and guts are her best tools to brave the wind and the waves.

“The more you read, the more you know; the more you know, the more places you want to go to.”Knowledge and experience are inseparable, andMUMAL SOOMRO’s motto reflects her motivation for learning, growth and progress.

(翻译 熊苒苒)


Morteza Ran jkesh: Make great efforts to be the best

作为游艇会线路检测中心国际经济与商务专业17级(国际学生班)的班长,冉帅(Morteza Ranjkesh)得知自己荣获优秀学生干部和学业优秀奖时,喜悦涌上心头。他很开心学校十分尊重勤奋学习的学生,这也是对他努力付出的肯定。







Morteza Ran jkeshis studyingin theSchool ofEconomics of Huazhong university of Science and Technology, majors in InternationalTradeand Business (international student class). As a monitor,Morteza Ran jkeshfeelsgreat honor when he knew that he has won The Outstanding StudentCadreAward and The Academic Excellence Award. He is very happy that our school respects the diligent students and he thinks this is a recognitionforhis hard work.

Speaking of his studying,Morteza Ran jkeshthinks he has lived up to his efforts. In the past years, he immersed in-class and after-class learning. He not only focused on in-class tasks, but also tried to expand his professional knowledge. "I have one goal: get the best results and graduate with the highest GPA, so I devote myself in studying." he said. As a monitor, he is willing to take this responsibility and serve for the students. He enjoys it.Morteza Ran jkeshfeelshappy that he can win his classmates’heart.

In addition,Morteza Ran jkeshwas an outstanding musician,andhe has played the guitar for nearly 16 years and played the piano for eight years. He had taught music for three years in Iran. And he had given a tremendous performance in "Zui Wan Ting" large instrumental music appreciation party with his fiancée.

When being asked why study economics, Ran recalled that his father is a business man, so he knew it very well when he was young. Under the influence of his family, he gradually found his interest in economics as grew older, so he decided to turn his interest into a major and came toHUSTto study economics.

One and a half years in China, Ran said he was impressed with every day he spent in China. The unique culture fascinated him deeply. He said, "In Wuhan every day is different!" So even just walking down the street can be fun. In his eyes, Chinese people are very kind, hardworking and always ready to help others, which makes him feel warm. He believes although China develop rapidly, it still cares about its ancient culture and never forgetsits roots. He admires Chinese respect for tradition.

Morteza Ran jkeshalways has an attitude of “Make great efforts to be the best “and he tries to be the best no matter in what stage of his life. He plans to return to Iran and try to make contributions to his country's economic development with what he has learned.

(翻译 陈小敏)


MOHAMED OUEDRAOGO:Full of Energy to Help Others



谈及志愿者的经历,令杜奥印象最深的是,有一次在帮助一个来自印度的女生安顿好,了解过学校环境后,女生的父母亲切地拉起他的手向他道谢并说“你真是个很好的人,我们真的很感激你”,尽管杜奥认为他只是做了他力所能及的小事,还是很惊喜,并因为可以通过自己的力量帮助到别人而感觉到开心。在杜奥看来,人生活在这个世上,不仅仅是一个个体,更是社会里的一部分。我们是朋友,是亲人,我们需要去关心他们,帮助他们。“尽管你会很忙,尽管有很多需要做的事情,你依旧要尽自己所能去帮助他人。如果曾有人帮助过你,那么你能做的就是将这份感激转化为帮助别人的力量并将它传递下去。而将来,或许在这个美洲、亚洲、欧洲 或是世界上的其他角落,可以遇到自己曾帮助过的人。”那这对杜奥来说绝对是非常美好的经历。




Before this interview, MOHAMED just finished a one-day academic conferenceand was consulting its related content. Fatigue was in his bright eyes, but when it came to the experience of being volunteers, energy came back.

Being a PhD student, MOHAMED is very busy with academic conferences, research and papers in daily life. Although being obsessed with such a busy life, he is still willing to be a helpful volunteer. MOHAMED recalled at the very beginning in China, he felt very helpless and lost, and it was the volunteers who gave his guidance, support and warmth in HUST. He is very grateful to those volunteers and also, he would like to transfer the help. Thus, in this year, MOHAMED shared his own experience with new students, reminded them of some problems that they might be faced with in China, and made them feel warm in HUST.

What impressed MOHAMED most in his volunteer experience was that after he once helped a girl from India, this girl’s parents held his hands and expressed gratitude to him deeply. MOHAMED was very surprised, because he thought what he did is not of very importance, but he was still very delightful that he can help others. In MOHAMED’s eyes, everyone is not only an individual but also a member of society. We can be friends or family members, and we can care and help each other. MOHAMED mentioned although you are occupied with many things and intend to do many things, you are still supposed to try your best to help others. If someone ever helped you, what you can do is to transfer your gratitude to the energy of helping others. In the future, you may encounter someone that you helped before in corners of the world.

MOHAMED has been studied in School of Economics for one year, and during this period, he has known many excellent teachers and students, also made a lot of good friends. He thought Chinese students are friendly but a little bit shy, so his Chinese friends are very limited. He hopes to make some Chinese friends later and when he returns to his country, he can introduce his Chinese friends to his family.

MOHAMED thinks there is infinite opportunities for him in the future. He knows he can get many chances in China, but he still wants to go back to his motherland. He is eager to devote himself to the development of his country.

(翻译 熊苒苒)
